
4-0 What a team effort

The forth consecutive victory this season and magnificent job of every team member tonight. Special mention for the man of the match Alberto Werbern (his second nomination in a row) with 25pts 11reb 4asi. Perfect in their roles V."mr statistic" Gudynas with 10pts 5reb 5asi and W.Flaco 9pts 4reb 5asis. Great help from the small guards Davidovich 11pts 8reb and V."the killer" Jakubcionis 20pts 11reb 4asis. Superb job from the centers El Fary with 11pts 6reb in only 12min played and two assists shy of a triple double Cobi Rodriguez 17pts 10reb 8asis with T.Lamberts adding 9pts in 12min and "the english Garbajosa" Drazen Cobic with 25pts 5reb 5asis 4stl including 3/3 on 3pt shooting. Just perfect.Congratulations!

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